
Monday 26 March 2012

Celio the Dragon

Year 7 English. I'd like to introduce you to a rather epic story of mine, and perhaps one of the longest I've done (though it ends rather abruptly, before the planned ending a few chapters following the last one written). The story is a Medieval-like rip-off of Star Wars (to those not in the 1977 know, then Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope. The title of A New Hope makes more sense after seeing the prequel trilogy, of course), a franchise which I'd fallen in romance with the previous year, 2008, following my stumbling upon a Wikipedia article about the then-upcoming Star Wars: The Clone Wars film, and its following television series. The advent of this made me estatic, causing me to check out the 2004 Star Wars Trilogy DVD set which sat largely unwatched, introduce myself into Hasbro's action figure collections, buy a second-hand copy of Star Wars: Clone Wars Volume II, get into some Star Wars gaming, and buy whatever Star Wars books I could find within charity realms. By this time I was well into my fandom, and having freshly before writing been in some form of A New Hope, this is what the story took. It also takes elements from LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy, which extends some of the rebel transport sequences to prose level.

The character of Celio is another of mine which would become ongoing, also appearing in my 2009 Doctor Who audio play 'Return to the Land of Fiction' (original title 'Prey of Black Shuck'), where he is ridden across the forest by the Eighth Doctor and his companions Olivia, Lucy, and Thomas, and also a boy, who may or may not be the Daniel of this story. Celio's fictional background extends to an iPhone game of at least ten levels, and looks, according to the cover art I created, like a red and yellow coloured version of Spyro. His names derives from one I plagierised off my friend, who used the word Celio in I believe his version of The Empty House. I was rather suprised to see that upon my visits to Malta and Italy in August 2009 and April 2010 respectively, that I encountered an international clothing retail chain known as 'Celio'.

This story is not very good, full of grammatical errors, contradictions and illogical moments, however it can be rather fun to read, especially the passage describing the knife's gruesome passage across a beast causing its death. This takes inspiration from Futurama: Bender's Game, which was also rather gruesome to beasts and dragons alike, in the world of Dungeons and Dragons. However, I hope it to be of some enjoyment. I plan to do a reading of this story in the style of Nerimon's 'Alex Reads Twilight' videos, adding anecdotes and the sections of confusing hilarious strangeness to post on YouTube. I've already done a partial reading to my boyfriend of October last year, though I don't know what he thinks of it, and private Skype conversations weren't recorded for obvious reasons. I'll be serialising all written seven chapters, the prologue, and ending on the original story plan.

May 2009 (approximately), and onwards. It's a possibility that this may have kept being written through to June. Unfinished and incomplete.

Once upon a time in a land far, far away...

Prelude Prolouge: Fall of the Dragons

For a thousand years the dragons were the guardians of the universe and protectors of the humans. But then, it the supernatural beasts came. From another dimension, they created a rip through the universe and exited their void they were kept in and entered the dragon universe.

They defeated the whole army of knights and very few dragons remained, and the beast empire rose. Bands of rebels were created, who had many and continuing attacks on the Supernatural Beasts armies of knights. To stop the rebels, the Supernatural Beasts created a super catapault, which had enough power to destroy an entire city. And the rebels knew they had to stop them...
© 2009 Peter Webb

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