
Wednesday 28 March 2012

Celio the Dragon - Chapter Two: Attack of the Rebels

Chapter Two: Attack of the Rebels

In the sandy desert of Tanoo, Biggs Sidekick viewed the battle through his binoculars. A boy of around 9 year old, he was Daniel's best friend. He was worried. He knew Daniel was there. He knew. He knew because Daniel told him a few hours ago. But boys and battles don't mix well...
As the battle raged on, rebels vs. knights, Daniel and Anton tried to escape to safety. They reached a door, only to discover and army of knights. Daniel got out his sword and thought them. He got a few bleeding scars from their rifles. He was tired. He remembered when he joined the rebels; he couldn't believe he got through with his fake I.D. He remembered it well. H It was when he was having a drink of orange drink juice with Biggs, he discovered that his desert city of Tanoo had been invaded by the Supernatural Beasts and their army of knights. He went to his parent's house to check if they were okay, but he discovered they had been destroyed by the knights. And from that day on, he swore he'd take have his revenge.

But this trip down memory lane wouldn't last long. Suddenly, a Supernatural Beast entered through the door, standing at a full 12 feet of it's body's height. "You must die!" it shouted. Anton tried to attack it with his rifle, but was pushed back by it's powerful force, killing him. "You killed him!" shouted Daniel. "Well, there's only one option left" He picked up a grenade, set it alight, and threw it at the beast. He increased the power of the explosion by shooting the grenade with the deceased Anton's rifle. The Supernatural Beast choked to death on the fumes. Daniel carefully walked over the corpse and entered the next corridoor.
© 2009 Peter Webb

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