
Thursday 29 March 2012

Celio the Dragon - Chapter Three: Kidnap

Chapter Three: Kidnap

Daniel soon entered the Cargo Bay. The Rebel Transport was secretly delivering copies of the novel 'The Journal of the Whills, From the Adventures of Aaron Deeton', which was Samuel Freep's first ever novel.
Daniel discovered the bridge, which allowed him to cross between areas, had collapsed. There was a crane, but the pieces had warped far too much, and, anyway, it fell too far down for the crane to reach. He saw a small figure walk through the mist. It was Anton's friend Declan! Declan pulled a lever, which produced a new bridge. Daniel crossed it. "Thanks," said Daniel. "You're welcome," anwser answered Declan.

They de They entered the door, only to be bombarded by an army of knights. Attacked by the knights, Daniel took his sword out of his holster. He sliced a big cut through one of the knight's digestive system. His guts and other organs flung out, and excrement and blood drooled across the floor. This made Declan sick. He felt an acidy sensation in his mouth. He tried to keep it in, but a creamy, yellow liquid with a sour taste oozed onto the floor. Daniel felt guilty.
Knights ran in, but slipped on the disgusting liquids now laying on the floor. Though still guilty of his actions, he put his foot forward, and crushed the heads of the knights laying on the sticky ooze. He and Declan carefully stepped across to the other side of the mess. They entered the next corridoor, and ran to the escape pods.

Daniel soon realised Declan wasn't with him anymore. "Hey, wait a minute, where's Declan?" Daniel asked himself. He looked to his left, and saw a Supernatural Beast choking Declan to death. "Noooo!" screamed Daniel

The Supernatural Beast noticed Daniel, dropped Declan's dead corpse on the ground, and ran after Daniel. The beast caught him. "You're coming with me," it said. "Where?" asked Daniel. "To the prison inside the super catapault. For a hundred years. For rebelling against the beasts," it answered. Daniel cursed. "And we'll make it even longer if you keep up this profanity!" warned the beast. Daniel cursed again. "Remember what I said," said the Supernatural Beast. Daniel sighed, and asked "Wouldn't I be dead in a hundred years?" "Yes, probably, but saying a lifetime sentence gives most people heart attacks, and we prefer to kill people ourselves. Now get into the escape pod!"

They tried to get into the last escape pod, but were too late, and it was used by Samuel and Aaron. "Damn," exclaimed the beast. However They soon noticed another escape pod. However, they soon realised it wasn't, and it was just a jacusi, where some knights were relaxing in, completely naked. "Hey, we'd like some privacy!" shouted a knight. Daniel and the beast exited the room. Daniel was disgusted. Thankfully, there was another pod left. They entered, and flew off to the prison block inside the super catapault.
© 2009 Peter Webb

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