
Wednesday 23 May 2012

Hurricane Assessment - First Draft

Year Seven Geography.

An outdated, contemporary tale, which will not occur as my parents would not be able to afford the flight, and would be logistically impossible to arrange given a crowded Summer.

It's always interesting to see the reality of future prediction tales, like with 'Lisa's Wedding' and the actual absence of robots in 2012, and 'Back to the Future Part II', yet with that the 2015 vision is slowly becoming a reality with the availability of merchandise replicas from the movie, such as the Nike MAG and the Mattel hoverboard.

Another aspect of the present left out of the story due to my age at the time is the fact I'd be thinking of cute boys throughout the hurricane, and wanting desperately to go on Tumblr. And watch AmazingPhil. I wouldn't be making the similie to the alien invasion of Earth, and neither would I be screaming "Goddammit!", though the repitition is nice. I'd be swearing at a quieter tone. Or listening instead to Vaguely Live Radio or a Vengenza Media podcast to keep me calm. The likelihood of me watching ABC News rather than watching something far more interesting (biased Fox News, Cartoon Network, Comedy Central, etc.) is slim.

The entirety of this tale was crossed out with a A4 'x', to be replaced with the second draft, set two years afterwards, which I will post tomorrow.

Tuesday 2nd December 2008

Hurricane Assessment
Year 2012 - The plane landed in Florida, and I exited the plane. We drove of to the hotel, checked in, and watched ABC news. The weather man said "...and there's a hurricane heading to Florida, and will destroy the hotels within two hours!", and I screamed "Goddammit!".

We went back to the airport to catch a flight out of here, but all flights were canceled because of the hurricane. We stayed at the airport* because it's a safe place, because it's a small space. We're really, really scared in this small place, thinking we're going to die, and then the hurricane shattered the glass, and we were sure we were going to die! Tears went down our cheeks, but then it stopped, and we were relieved we survived the hurricane.

We go went outside and see the damage and it's like aliens destroyed Earth - 5 times! And I screamed "Goddammit!"

© 2008 Peter Webb.

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