
Thursday 31 May 2012

Going on a Cross Country Run (illustrated)

Year Six English.

Features three actual living people - me, my (stronger friendship at the time) friend Elliot, and our headteacher Mr. Pickering, and the actual location of my actual Middle/Junior School. By now, I'm thinking of 'E.T. The Extra Terrestial' (a film I have unbelievably not yet seen) at the sight of the name, instead of my cute blonde friend. This school will reappear in further English stories from Year Six. This is my second piece of prose, I believe, to feature death, and the first to feature human death. I'm not sure how prevalent the concept of death was in my Doctor Who scripts. Interestingly, this story features Kang and Kodos at the controls of the spaceship, a few years into my 'Simpsons' fandom.

Monday Tuesday 24th 25th September 2007

L.O: I can write a paragraph in a given genre.

Going on a Cross Country Run or Alien Olympics

I was running forever, on an on. A flash of light appeared. Aliens? Nah, it was pla just Elliott playing a trick wih with a torch. Or was it? The spaceship fell down and killed Mr. Pickering! The aliens came out, the ones from the Simpsons. I never knew they would be real.

© 2007 Peter Webb

Tuesday 29 May 2012

"Yesterday was the worst day of my life"

Year Seven Geography, computer written, however the original digital document is no longer in existence and has had to be transcribed.

Written between Tuesday 18th November and Monday 24th November 2008. Probably 18th.

The fact this fictional character does not describe the news presenter or provide a name shows us that they did not actually watch Fox News (why Fox News, why?) but rather pretend to inside this fictional account which is fictional to the fictional author as well.

The absence of a wi-fi enabled iPod Touch, iPhone, iPad or Android device appears to place this in the past. Presumably 2008.

I would guess at the fictional author actually being American, as he uses the Americanism of 'neighbours', and he seems to firmly be a Florida resident. My modern brain likes to think of this being the character of Phil Lester now, however that was definitely not the case back in 2008.

The idea of the fourth generation family quilt either comes from My Parents Are Aliens or The Simpsons.

The simile of the dog at the race track most likely originates from 'Simpsons Roasting On and Open Fire', where we see the Springfield Downs and Santa's Little Helper introduced.

The reference to the Presidents in heaven is almost certainly a reference to The Simpsons. If written now, persons such as Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford would be substitutes, as they are the Seventies of U.S. Presidents (discounting Jimmy Carter, who is still a cool guy).

23rd July 2008

Yesterday was the worst day of my life. As soon as the weatherman said there was a hurricane coming, I knew we were in trouble. The good news was that it would take six hours to reach Florida, so we had time to prepare. My dad drove very fast the D.I.Y shop, so he could buy wood before they ran out. We kept the TV tuned onto Fox news, so we could hear the latest updates. We saw footage of Disneyworld, with the hurricane soaring through and visitors looking petrified. I couldn't believe this was going to happen to us and our neighbors.

A few hours later, I got a headache, and my head felt like it was about to explode. I needed to go to my room, so I couldn't hear the TV. But that would be crazy, because I wouldn't get the updates and then the hurricane would hit the house without me knowing. Soon, the weatherman said that it was going to hit my street within an hour. I was terrified. I was even more terrified when the wood dad put onto the windows fell off. I followed the TV presenter's advice of staying in a small space, such as a closet. The walls of our house soon started to collapse. It even ruined our family quilt, which had gone on for four generations.

We were really, really scared, and I knew I might not survive this. My heart was racing, at the top speed of a dog at the race track. After hours of being cramped together in the clothes closet, it stopped. I couldn't believe I survived the hurricane. I couldn't believe I didn't die and be chatting to Abraham Lincoln or George Washington in heaven. After surviving a hurricane, I knew that this was the best day of my life.

© 2008 Peter Webb

Thursday 24 May 2012

Hurricane Assessment - Second Draft

Tuesday 2nd December 2008

Hurricane Assessment

It was the year 2014 and I was going on holiday with my family to Florida. I couldn't play on my PSP 8000 so I was really bored during the flight. When the plane landed we collected our luggage and took a taxi to the hotel. We checked in and turned the HD TV on, as I couldn't play any of my Blu Ray disks on the Blu Ray player. It was coming up to the end of ABC news HD when th after an interview with Barack OBama President Barack Obama about electric cars and his plan for the U.S.A to have free medical operations, like the U.K used to have when I was younger, the weatherman said that there was a hurricane heading for Florida and we were gobsmacked.

We took a taxi, wasting $20, back to the airport to see if we could get a refund and a flight back to the U.K, but all flights were canceled due to "inconvenient weather", according to the people working at the airport. It was really annoying, because it was more than "inconvenient". We saw the news on a gigantic HDTV with a newsman saying to stay in a small space such as a closet, which I already knew, thanks to my Year 7 topi Geography topic about hurricanes, and when I wrote a story about hurricanes set 6 years in the future. We spent another $20 on a taxi, got to our hotel room, and crawled into the cupboard, missing out on the broadcast of Star Wars Episode 7: A New Love. A few hours

A few hours later, the hurricane hit the hotel. We were terrified, thinking we were going to die. The wind was so strong it even blew the hotel roof off. We were scared, crying, and then it stopped. I couldn't believe we survived a hurricane, and I couldn't believe my dad wasted $40.

© 2008 Peter Webb

Wednesday 23 May 2012

Hurricane Assessment - First Draft

Year Seven Geography.

An outdated, contemporary tale, which will not occur as my parents would not be able to afford the flight, and would be logistically impossible to arrange given a crowded Summer.

It's always interesting to see the reality of future prediction tales, like with 'Lisa's Wedding' and the actual absence of robots in 2012, and 'Back to the Future Part II', yet with that the 2015 vision is slowly becoming a reality with the availability of merchandise replicas from the movie, such as the Nike MAG and the Mattel hoverboard.

Another aspect of the present left out of the story due to my age at the time is the fact I'd be thinking of cute boys throughout the hurricane, and wanting desperately to go on Tumblr. And watch AmazingPhil. I wouldn't be making the similie to the alien invasion of Earth, and neither would I be screaming "Goddammit!", though the repitition is nice. I'd be swearing at a quieter tone. Or listening instead to Vaguely Live Radio or a Vengenza Media podcast to keep me calm. The likelihood of me watching ABC News rather than watching something far more interesting (biased Fox News, Cartoon Network, Comedy Central, etc.) is slim.

The entirety of this tale was crossed out with a A4 'x', to be replaced with the second draft, set two years afterwards, which I will post tomorrow.

Tuesday 2nd December 2008

Hurricane Assessment
Year 2012 - The plane landed in Florida, and I exited the plane. We drove of to the hotel, checked in, and watched ABC news. The weather man said "...and there's a hurricane heading to Florida, and will destroy the hotels within two hours!", and I screamed "Goddammit!".

We went back to the airport to catch a flight out of here, but all flights were canceled because of the hurricane. We stayed at the airport* because it's a safe place, because it's a small space. We're really, really scared in this small place, thinking we're going to die, and then the hurricane shattered the glass, and we were sure we were going to die! Tears went down our cheeks, but then it stopped, and we were relieved we survived the hurricane.

We go went outside and see the damage and it's like aliens destroyed Earth - 5 times! And I screamed "Goddammit!"

© 2008 Peter Webb.

Monday 21 May 2012

Timmy Wonders... Where Does the Rain Come From? (illustrated)

Year Seven Geography.

Mock Usbourne Publishing children's book explaining the water cycle, introducing the character of Timmy (who is not from South Park) and his mother. The child's beliefs of the rain being God's urine or wine comes from my own spoken pondering of personal philosophy in Year Three, whilst on the bus to (or from) school (it may have been in the car with my parents, come to think of it) during rainfall. I love this story, by the way, even though a certian logic barrier will come down where you wonder why a mother his teaching her young child 'advanced' Geography intended to be taught to Year Sevens.

Tuesday 7th October 2008
Describe the journey that takes place during the water cycle.

Pitter patter. Pitter patter. The rain fell down from the skies. "Mummy, where dos rain come from? Is it god peeing?" Timmy asked, fortunate to be inside, sheltered from the rain. "No, it is not god peeing!" his mummy said. "Is it god spilling his wine?" Timmy asked. "No!" his mummy shouted. "Well, where does it come from then?" Timmy asked. "Far away from the sea, the water evaporates and..." "Mummy, what is evaporates mean?" "It means when a liquid becomes a gas." "Water can be a gas?!" Timmy asked, confused.

"Yes," his mummy answered. "If a liquid becomes cold it warm it changes into a gas. If it becomes cold it turns into ice." "You sure a wizard didn't do it?" Timmy asked. "Correct. It's just what nature does. As a gas, it flies up into the air and turns back to water, which forms clouds. It doesn't have to be water, it could be snow, sleet or hail. This is called condensation. It moves and falls from the skies, which is called precipitation". It eventually falls back into the sea. This is called Subsurface Runoff and then it goes down into underground streams, drains or sewers "Why are the words so big and are hard to pronounce?" Timmy asked. "With so many words in the world, the only words scientists can use are really, really big words!" his mummy answered. "The water goes into a drain or mountain, and flows through an underground stream, drain or a sewer. This is called Subsurface Runoff. "Don't you mean Submarine Runoff?" Timmy asked. "No, Timmy. Submarines don't have don't drains.

© 2008 Peter Webb.