
Thursday 23 February 2012

Mary Maloney to the Slaughter - Draft Plans

Mary Maloney - 40 Years On

It is 1992. Mary Maloney is a depressed and single woman in her mid-60s watching her television in the house where she murdered her husband in 1952. She keeps the bone as a trophy on her wall. She keeps a steady supply of whiskey in the fridge. Her favourite foods are cheese and lamb. She used to be married to Sam the grocer, and she watches MTV. A 1992 song about lambs sparks her memory of the incident. Her daughter is a lesbian with mental issues due to consumption of whiskey as a foetus, and is overweight from eating lamb. Her Mary's father is living in a retirement home taking lots of prescribed drugs. She has a Macintosh where she looks at child porn and information about murders. She goes to knitting club with her Granny friends in town and has escaped the noose. She is not eligible for a pension and she plays the Texas Chainsaw Massacre on the NES. She is attempting to build a working copy of HAL from 2001: a Space Odyssey. She walks through the graveyard where her husband is buried and listens to Elvis vinyls. She smuggles cocaine. She works for Sainsbury's, built on the location of the grocery. She keeps in contact with Sam by email. She watches Poroit/Miss Marple on BBC One |(see idents on Survival DVD)| Add 1990's pop culture. She likes listening to the Blues. She has no mobile phone. A policewan (sic, policewoman) telephones her to tell her new evidence has arisen from the incident - a possibal possible murder weapon - a rotting 1950s baseball bat in seen in her garden by a neighbour. She also likes to watch BBC News. She drives a 1990s car.
She saw a documentary about the last British hanging the previous night. Policewoman telephones her to tell her the murder weapon has been found - a baseball bat with stains of blood rotting in her back garden.

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