
Wednesday 20 June 2012

The Mystery of Class 6T

Inspired by real life events, though it doesn't go over the condoms and the racist vandalism, as I didn't quite understand that at the time. I've no idea if Mr. Collins is real or not. Bill and Ted comes from an advertisement for the NES game of the film inside the only Spider-Man issue I'd read at the time - an issue of Web of Spider-Man I'd got from Oxfam in 2007/2008 for a pound, featuring this villain the Slasher.

Ian and Babara (sic, "Barbara") are lifted straight from An Unearthly Child, though this time as 2008 policemen (sic, "Police Officers" for political correctness) and not 1963 teachers at Coal Hill. Chief Baker's name derives from Tom Baker.

12/25-ish watching the news is an oddly specific, and most likely untrue, figure. Charlote (sic, Charlotte) and her mother must be mentally ill, screaming over a non-major event like that.

I'm glad I didn't go with the crazy initial plot.

The Mystery of Class 6T

Tuesday 19th February 2008

L.O: Use openers and connectives in my story.

It was a dark winter's night and two young men, Bill and Ted were driving in a black van, wearing black clothes to Taverham Junior School. and They were trying to break into class 6T and put swearwords on the whiteboards and tables, steal all the children's work and books onto a fire and burn them, cut all the wires of electrical equitment so they can't be used any more, and much more havoc. However, they were stopped by the caretaker, Mr. Collins.

"Hey, you two, get out of here or i'll call th 999!" said Mr. Collins. The two men got out a shotgun from their pockets. "What? An ambulance for you?!" They pulled the trigger. Mr. Collins fell to the ground, with a heartbeat of 0. His blood spread down the car park, and a police car stopped to investigate.

"Hmm, Babra, it looks like we've got a mystery on her hand," said one of two Policemen: Ian. He sniffed the blood. "Hasen't been here long. They must not be far away. C'mon!" "Y'know, i've only just got this job! I haven't done this for ten years or so!" said Babara. "Stop being rude or you'll get fired by Cheif Baker!" shouted Ian.

The next evening, 12 of the children from 6T were watching the news. "Mum, when's dinner ready?" shouted a girl from 6T called Charlote to her mum. "6.20!" s Her mum shouted back. Charlote turned on the T.V. "Our top story tonight: Their has been a murder at TJS! Also, all the student's work has been burnt! "We are thery very sad this has happend," said headteacher Mr. Picke..." Charolate turned of the TV and screamed. "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Her mother ran into the living room. "What's all the noise about sweetheart?" she asked. "Mmmy scchoool haaas been bbbrooken inntoo!" Charlote awnswered, being very afraid. Her mother screamed too. "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" They turned the T.V back. on. "...onds. "We are very sad also that our students can't come back for at LEAST a week."

One week later, the young men, Bill and Ted were in prison: For LIFE. "I hate you, you ********!" shouted Bill. "You're the one who got the idea, *****!"


Two young men - try to break into class 6T. Get stopped by security cameras. 6T very sad. Police arrest the men but they fail out. Break into 6T again. Get life sentence in prision. Get abducted by aliens. Gets shot by a ray-gun. His family is very sad. They start mudering the people who work at the school and the prision.

© 2008 Peter Webb

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