
Monday 2 April 2012

Celio the Dragon - Chapter Five: Help

Chapter Five: Help.

The cell door opened and Daniel was locked inside. Daniel swore mildly. He sat down and looked to his right. He noticed a beautiful young girl. "Hello," she said. "Hi," replied Daniel. "What's your name?" he asked. "Tallulah," she answered "Tallulah Heroine. What's yours?" "Daniel Hero," Daniel answered. "That's a nice name," said Tallulah. "So's yours" replied Daniel. They laughed.
"So, what'cha do?" asked Daniel. "Dunno, probably for 'rebeling' against the beasts" answered Da Tallulah. "Me too!" exclaimed Daniel. They were in love. "If only there was a way out of here," Tallulah said lightly. "Hold on! I know!" shouted Daniel. "What?" asked Tallulah. "I've got this message disk. If I could record a help message and send it to someone, we could be rescued!" answered Daniel. "Any idea who?" questioned Tallulah. "I've heldrd heard about this dragon called Celio. He's an old friend of my Grandfather Benjamin" "Great! What are we waiting for?"

Daniel took the dusty disk out of his pocket and pressed 'record'. The message went on for several minutes, until they pressed 'stop'. "How will we send it to Celio?" asked Tallulah. "My trust robotic Dove messanger," answered Daniel. He inserted the disk into the dove's beak and it flew off to Celio."
"Isn't Celio a Dragon's name?" Beast's name?" asked Tallulah. "Well, yes, but it has more than one meaning. But Let's hope he does receive the message, though. If not, let's abandon all 0 hope."

© 2009 Peter Webb

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