
Friday 20 April 2012

Diary of an African Water Girl

I'm being naughty and posting this from ICT class.

Year Nine Geography. 26th April 2011, 10:33:03.

 Today Mother sent me out to get some water. It was a long and tenuous trip, but I found some eventually. I passed cattle and climbed through the murky water and walked across the piercing rocks. I was dressed in a light blue dress of thin fabric, wearing cheap shoes, and carrying a bag made of material to contain the water. We are getting desperate for water at home. This is why mother sent me out. There has been a Summer drought; we are all too hot, need something to drink, and yet there is a lack of water to go around. Rain does not fall leaving our buckets empty. The water on the streets have evaporated; and become clouded with the faeces of the people with no sanitation blocks in a nearby radius. So I have to walk to this river, bag in hand, and get as much as possible. And, since there are cattle, to get their fresh milk as well. Mother stays at home making a substitute meal of the last supplies. Father is out in the city, several miles away, trying to get a job. It is our last hope. When this water has been drunk, I will need to return here in a few days time to collect more. And more. When the sun shines on the grass (what little of it there is), it does not spell happiness on us as it should on us. It spells dehydration, long tasks, and hell for the family and townspeople.
© 2011 Peter Webb

Thursday 5 April 2012

Celio the Dragon - Draft Plans

Beasts make a super-catapault which can destroy a whole city

Battle against Dragon and Beast ships

Daniels gets captured by beasts

In prison, Daniel gets a crush on cellmate Princess Tallulah

Celio gets a message from Daniel asking Celio to rescue him.

Celio flys through the sky gets attacked by beast

Defeats it and gets surrounded by an army of knights

Defeats them and rescues Daniel. He asks for Tallulah to come with him.

They escape, destroy knights and sabotage the super-catapault.

They get medals for their efforts.

They continue their fight against the beasts.

Wednesday 4 April 2012

Celio the Dragon - Chapter Seven: Rescue

Chapter Seven: Rescue

Several knights app Cushing viewed Celio through his binoculars. "He's in!" he shouted. He consulted the beast immediatly; "My lord, Celio has entered the Super Catapault!"  "How?" asked the supernatural beast. "I... I don't know sir. But he is a major threat! If we can just get an ar-" The beast got out his hands and put them on Cushing's neck. He squeezed tightly and Cushing choked, then collapsed. "An army of knights, I know. Never state the obvious"
Celio rested after his near-death encounter. But it wouldn't last for long. Suddenly, an army of 501 knights ran in. Their faces were blood had many many scars on, recieved from their many battles. The metal armour was rusty and stained with blood, sweat, urine and excrement. Celio almost barfed. They drew their rifles and loaded it with gunpowder. The "Fire!" they shouted. They aimed at Celio, and the bullet shot out at Celio's underbelly. It was excrutiatingly painfull. Celio screamed with pain. Blood dripped onto the floor.

But he remained standing. As the knights fired, Celio moved his tail quickly in their direction. Knights fell to the floor, bleeding. As more ran in, Celio continued attacking. Soon later, the army was destroyed. All he had to do now was to rescue Daniel.
© 2009 Peter Webb

Tuesday 3 April 2012

Celio the Dragon - Chapter Six: Message

Chapter Six: Rescue Mission Message

Celio was relaxing in the ruined Dar Dragon capital city of Dragonica.* He was looking up at the pale orange sky, which had become that toxic colour ever since the Supernatural Beasts came through the rift in the connecting to that other reality - Few animals creatures other than dragons lived there. But then, he saw a dove flying. Celio squawked questionably. The dove got closer and said "I have a message for you from Daniel Hero, who's grandad is Benjamin Hero" Celio's eyes widened.
The message played. It showed Daniel and Tallulah in prison.  "Help me, Celio. You're my only hope," said Daniel in the message. "My grandfather Ben has known you since the begining of the Beast Wars. Now you must help me. Please, and then were can destroy the Super Catapault"

Celio now had a mission to do. He flapped his wings and flew to the super catapault. Little did he know that beast spies were watching him...
The Imperial Espionage Squad saw Celio through their binoculars. "Yep, he's going to the catapault alright," said a knight. "Deploy the beasts and kill him!" A beast entered, flapped it's wings, and flew after Celio.

Celio was now out of Dragonica, and was flying across the world's largest sea: the Duana sea. It span across from Dragconia right to the desert of Tanoo. He took his first look at the newly destroyed desert and put on a 'what has happened?' expression. He was shocked. A dear dropped out of his eye as the silent sand blew away.
He saw something behind him: It was a Supernatural Beast. "I've got you now," it said, and laughed manically. It chased after Celio. Celio squawked a swearword. He flapped his wings faster to get farther away. But the beast soon cathed catched up. Celio only had one option. He flew backwards in an arc shape, and tickled the beast's hair. It laughed. "Stop it! You're tickling me!"

However, it soon got closer to Celio, and scratched the Dragon's underbelly. Blood squirted everywhere. Celio squawked painfully. More blood drooled out, and turned the sea into below into a dark red colour. He continued tickling the beast and it couldn't stop laughing. It managed to speak. "You must die!" it shouted. It scratched Celio's juicy underbelly continulusly continuously. Large chunks of flesh and blood fell down into the now toxic sea. Celio screamed. He didn't get a chance to tickle the beast. It kept on biting huge chunks out of him. With his last ounce of strength, Celio moved his tail quickly and whipped it flat in the beast's face. It's jaw bled, and it fell into the sea, staining it green.
Celio was now approaching the super catapault. The blast doors were shut. How could he enter? With a whip of his tail, he broke down the door, ready to fight.

*The buildings, which were around the size of the Empire Building, had collapsed. Celio sighed.

© 2009 Peter Webb

Monday 2 April 2012

Celio the Dragon - Chapter Five: Help

Chapter Five: Help.

The cell door opened and Daniel was locked inside. Daniel swore mildly. He sat down and looked to his right. He noticed a beautiful young girl. "Hello," she said. "Hi," replied Daniel. "What's your name?" he asked. "Tallulah," she answered "Tallulah Heroine. What's yours?" "Daniel Hero," Daniel answered. "That's a nice name," said Tallulah. "So's yours" replied Daniel. They laughed.
"So, what'cha do?" asked Daniel. "Dunno, probably for 'rebeling' against the beasts" answered Da Tallulah. "Me too!" exclaimed Daniel. They were in love. "If only there was a way out of here," Tallulah said lightly. "Hold on! I know!" shouted Daniel. "What?" asked Tallulah. "I've got this message disk. If I could record a help message and send it to someone, we could be rescued!" answered Daniel. "Any idea who?" questioned Tallulah. "I've heldrd heard about this dragon called Celio. He's an old friend of my Grandfather Benjamin" "Great! What are we waiting for?"

Daniel took the dusty disk out of his pocket and pressed 'record'. The message went on for several minutes, until they pressed 'stop'. "How will we send it to Celio?" asked Tallulah. "My trust robotic Dove messanger," answered Daniel. He inserted the disk into the dove's beak and it flew off to Celio."
"Isn't Celio a Dragon's name?" Beast's name?" asked Tallulah. "Well, yes, but it has more than one meaning. But Let's hope he does receive the message, though. If not, let's abandon all 0 hope."

© 2009 Peter Webb